Jamback Farms

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Feeding the Performance Horse

Hailey Finholdt is the owner of HF Performance Horses and Before The Saddle. One of the key components that she has found to owning and showing horses is their diet. Here is how she feeds her performance horses so they are healthy and feeling their best.

“A few years ago, before I found Jamback Farms, I was constantly on the search for forage to allow my horses to thrive and keep them at that next level. I was continuously searching for that “magic grain” or “supplement.” I worked on furthering my education on what performance horses (really all horses) need, and it all changed.

All of my horses are now on a basically all forage diet, thanks to Jamback Farms. Lowering grain intake and providing them with a high quality forage was a game changer. I spent less on grain, and noticed a HUGE difference in my horses performance, health, and appearance. The grain is especially hard on horses with ulcers, the forage (alfalfa specifically) creates a great buffer.

My horses now get free choice Prairie Grass Hay and Alfalfa AM and PM. They only get a little ration balancer and beet pulp to get their extra vitamins. Since changing, I’ve noticed their stomachs are happier and their coats are super shiny. Happy, comfortable horses always perform better. Most of my “barn must haves” you can purchase at Jamback Farms! The Prairie Grass Hay and Western Alfalfa are things I will never take out of my feed program.”