Smooth Bromegrass
Brome, or smooth bromegrass, is a highly palatable and clean cool season grass that provides excellent quality hay when properly managed. Typically raised in the Midwest and harvested once a year from late May to early June, brome will be very leafy and does not contain coarse or hard stems. Leaf blades are broad so, unlike bermuda or bahia, brome is unlikely to cause impactions. Brome hay is highly digestible with relative feed values (RFV) typically around 90-100 and a good balance of minerals. You can expect protein levels to be greater than 8%. This, combined with its superb palatability makes brome an excellent all around hay. Horses LOVE brome! It has sufficient energy for light to medium use horses and can be combined with a legume forage like alfalfa in your ration to create an effective program for your event or competition animals. As an added advantage, properly managed brome fields contain little to no endophyte-infected tall fescue, making it a safe choice for your pregnant and lactating mares. Brome is the first choice of our sheep and goat customers as well.
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